Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Beans from Scratch

I made beans from scratch today! I've never done this before…but it was really easy. I soaked them overnight. Then, I cooked them for about 45 minutes with an onion. They were really tasty! I used them to make Giant Crusty and Creamy White Beans with Chard from Heidi Swanson's gorgeous cookbook.

Here is a good example of multitasking. Now, many say that multitasking is a bad idea because you can't focus on two tasks equally well; you end up doing multiple tasks badly. However, I think that cooking beans is a good multitasking opportunity! I was able to do some work on the laptop while waiting for the beans to cook. It only took about 45 minutes, and this was productive time for me to spend on my Tuesday night tasks!

And the greens from the first CSA delivery are finally gone! I will have to pick the arugula from my garden for the fajitas tomorrow!

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